Managing the Transition from Remote to Face-to-Face Learning

As COVID-19 lockdown measures are eased and we return to face-to-face learning, it is common to feel anxious or stressed about returning to school. This may be due to changes in routine, seeing friends in person after a period of time, or feeling uncertain about whether we will remain at school. It is important during this time that we manage any anxieties that arise during the transition. Below are two commonly used exercises to reduce symptoms of anxiety.

1. Deep Breathing Exercise

Taking deep breaths triggers the body’s relaxation response. This will help lower heart rate, ease tensed muscles, and reduce blood pressure.

Try this simple exercise:

2. Grounding Exercise

Grounding is a mindfulness technique that can reduce anxiety by shifting thoughts and feelings to the present moment instead of focusing on what is causing distress. When you are feeling anxious try this exercise: Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

Daniella Carfi
Primary School Counsellor
[email protected]